The exchange's Rs 10,000 crore IPO has been delayed because of the probe in the co-location matter and the regulator had earlier issued show cause notices to several individuals as well as the exchange, while the role of some brokers is also being probed.
"The timeline for the IPO is dependent on the resolution of the regulatory matters with Sebi and we are hopeful we will be able to do the IPO in fiscal 2019," NSE said in a statement.
Further, the bourse said it is committed to resolving the regulatory issues expeditiously.
The exchange had filed the settlement application with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in July last year.
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It had sought a settlement with the regulator in connection with a probe relating to allegations of unfair access to its high frequency trading systems to some brokers.
The NSE said it can file the consent application after the completion of the investigations and it intends to do the same in due course.
According to regulatory sources, Sebi has returned NSE's settlement plea as the probe is at critical position with regard to brokers and former senior executives of the exchange.