United Spirits' board in November last year had aproved a proposal for "transfer of business pertaining to the company's distillery at Poonamallee to Enrica Enterprises through a Scheme of Arrangement as well as franchising of its brands in Tamil Nadu."
Bangalore-based United Spirits is engaged in the manufacture and sale of Indian made foreign spirits, while Enrica is an unlisted firm incorporated under the laws of India and has its registered office in Chennai.
"We have perused the 'draft scheme of arrangement' and related documents submitted by United Spirits, including the confirmation of the company secretary that the scheme so submitted does not in any way violate, over-ride or circumscribe the provisions of securities laws or stock exchange requirements," NSE said.
"Accordingly, we do hereby convey our 'no-objection' with limited reference to those matters having a bearing on listing /delisting/ continuous listing requirements within the provisions of the Listing Agreement, so as to enable the company to file the scheme with the High Court," it added.