The move is in line with markets regulator Sebi's decision to streamline the public issue process by making application supported by blocked amount (ASBA) as a mandatory payment mechanism for all investors from January 1, 2016.
NSE had announced the launch of new 'e-IPO Web-based bidding system' on December 31 last year.
It had also announced that it would discontinue its IPO terminal which supports non-ASBA bids for all public issues opening on or after January 1, 2016.
The new bidding system has the facility of Web-based log-in through the Internet, offline bid entry post market hours, download facility of orders and order history, among others.
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Sebi on January 1 had put in place a new form for ASBA facility, which has become mandatory for all categories of investors applying for a public issue for making payment.
The provision allows the bid amount to remain in the applicant's account till the time shares are finally allotted.
E-IPOs will help fast-track the public offer process and lower costs, besides allowing investors to apply for shares and buy these at the click of a mouse without the need for signature on bulky physical documents.
The board of Sebi had already approved a proposal to use secondary market infrastructure for public issuance called e-IPOs.