Such tip-offs can be provided through phone using the toll-free number or via email and they will be kept confidential, while anonymous complaints can also be submitted for further probe by the relevant departments of the exchange.
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has created a special section on its website for this purpose, which the exchange said "intends to invite information and tips on violations/ manipulations that may adversely affect the market quality and integrity".
Investors can give tip-offs related to insider trading, fraud, price rigging, conspiracy, manipulation as well as violations of market integrity.
Besides, information could also be provided related to the exchange's ongoing probe and surveillance.
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Further, the NSE said that information regarding grievances against brokers or companies listed on the exchange "may be registered under the section 'Domestic Investors/ Register an e-complaint'.
When contacted an NSE official said the information collected through this mechanism first gets examined by the surveillance and investigation departments and necessary actions are taken subsequently.
The exchange has found such tip-offs very useful and they are being used appropriately, the official added.