"Grant in aid is provided to the recognised National Sports Federations by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and Sports Authority of India (SAI) under the scheme of assistance to NSFs inter-alia, for organising national/zonal level championships and international competitions in India and for participation in international tournaments aboard.
"It has been observed that many of the NSFs do not recognise and highlight the support from the Government of India and SAI in the posters/banners, publicity material of the NSFs for the said events," a Ministry release said.
"Government and SAI are actively supplementing the efforts of NSFs in sports promotion. It has, therefore, been decided that hence forth Government support must be specifically recognised and highlighted by the NSFs through various means including display of logo of Government and SAI in their banners and advertisements, publicity material etc for the events for which Government of India/SAI has given financial assistance," the release added.