State government had also increased the annual budget of Agroha college to Rs 172 crore from Rs 23 crore, he said while addressing a gathering after inaugurating an auditorium constructed in memory of former Haryana minister and noted industrialist O P Jindal, at a cost of Rs eight crore at Maharaja Aggarsen Medical College, Agroha in the district.
Speaking on the occasion, chairman of Maharaja Aggarsen Medical College Agroha and Kurukshetra MP, Naveen Jindal said O P Jindal always considered education as a base for development of people.
Later, the Chief Minister also inaugurated the newly established O P Jindal Institute of Cardiac Care and Savitri Jindal Institute of Nursing at the Jindal Institute of Medical Sciences, Hisar.
Meanwhile, six members of Aam Aadmi Party, led by RTI activist Ramesh Verma, were rounded up by the police near Chhotu Ram Chowk here as they attempted to show black flags to Hooda.