The deceased, identified as Nirmala Devi, who worked as a staff nurse at LNJP hospital was found murdered at her government quarter on the night of September 20 where she lived alone.
During the course of investigation, call records of Nirmala Devi, who was a divorcee, revealed that a number was frequently in touch with her.
"On further investigation, it was found that the mobile number was being used by one Vishvabandhu, an advocate by profession. Locals also informed that he used to regularly visit the deceased at her government quarter and even stayed there occasionally. It also came to light that everything was not going well between them," said Additional Commissioner of Police (Central) Alok Kumar.
On September 17, Vishwabandhu called Nirmala Devi at 1:37 PM and told her that he would be coming to see her at her apartment.
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"In the night, he reached her apartment and as part of his plan, when she went to the washroom, he caught her from behind and forced her head into a plastic tub filled with water till the time he thought that she had died. Thereafter, he poured bucket-full of water over her to ensure that she dies in water," said Kumar.
Kumar found the dead body of his sister in the bathroom of her government quarter following which police was informed.