The Narmada Valley Development Authority (NVDA) has sanctioned Rs 551.08 lakh for contingency action plans for Sardar Sarovar, Upper Veda, Maan, Jobat, Indira Sagar and Omkareshwar project reservoirs, an official release said here today.
The action plans envisage setting up of temporary camps for safe stay of flood-affected families during monsoon and other necessary arrangements including motorboats, life jackets etc, for relief and rescue operations.
Arrangements of light, drinking water and medical treatment will also be made for affected people in camps.
The authority has sanctioned Rs 318.31 lakh for action plan of Sardar Sarovar, Rs 5 lakh each for Upper Veda and Jobat projects, Rs 92.05 lakh for Indira Sagar and Rs 127.72 for the action plan of Omkareshwar project.
A flood control room has been set up at Narmada Bhavan, Bhopal, the headquarters of NVDA, for exchanging information about relief and rescue works, the release said.