"Inside Parliament: Views From The Front Row" is billed as an incisive and a provocative account by O'Brien.
HarperCollins Publishers India will also publish two more books by the Rajya Sabha member - "Success Is a Four-Letter Word" and "The Success Checklist".
"The government is trying to write a false narrative around a 10-letter word: corruption. We, the Opposition, are trying to set the narrative right with another 10-letter word: competence," says O'Brien.
According to publisher Diya Kar Hazra, "For the last six years, Derek has raised difficult questions from the front row in the Rajya Sabha. He is one the most articulate, outspoken members of the Opposition. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding today's India and those who care about its future."
On the two other books, she says, "Derek wears many hats. Communication and people-skills are among his greatest strengths. The success books will be very exciting and we publish next year.