Land Acquisition Officer, Bargarh, Subash Chandra Sethia had allegedly demanded the amount to remit over Rs 10 lakh to the bank account of one Khira Meher and others of Kuchipali in Bargarh district relating for acquisition of land by the government, a vigilance department release said today.
During the course of investigation, a trap was laid and the complainant met the accused officer in his office situated in the premises of the Collectorate, Bargarh.
After receiving a positive signal about the bribe he called Balistha Mahanand, Process Server of his office and directed him to receive the amount from the complainant, the release said.
While Mahananda was counting the money, the vigilance team arrived and seized the bribe money, the release said.
Both the accused have been arrested, the release said adding they would be forwarded to the court shortly.