"Today we're blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to connect instantly with just about anyone on the planet. But no matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support and, most importantly, the presence of a parent in a child's life. And in many ways, that's uniquely true for fathers," Obama said in his weekly address.
"I never really knew my own father. I was raised by a single mom and two wonderful grandparents who made incredible sacrifices for me," the President said.
Obama spoke ahead of Father's Day, celebrated today across the world, and used the occasion to rekindle the national conversation on fatherhood he launched in 2009.
"And there are single parents all across the country who do a heroic job raising terrific kids. But I still wish I had a dad who was not only around, but involved; another role model to teach me what my mom did her best to instill - values like hard work and integrity; responsibility and delayed gratification - all the things that give a child the foundation to envision a brighter future for themselves," he said.
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"Being a good parent - whether you're gay or straight; a foster parent or a grandparent - isn't easy. It demands your constant attention, frequent sacrifice, and a healthy dose of patience. And nobody's perfect. To this day, I'm still figuring out how to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids," the President said.
51-year-old Obama, the father of two girls, Sasha and Malia, has frequently promoted fatherhood and marriage. Notably, he stressed the importance of strong families during a Chicago speech earlier this year on gun violence.
Obama said he would do what he can as President to encourage marriage and strong families.
"We should reform our child support laws to get more men working and engaged with their children. And my Administration will continue to work with the faith and other community organisations, as well as businesses, on a campaign to encourage strong parenting and fatherhood," Obama said.