"BJP is in upbeat mood in Odisha following Modi's appointment as election campaign committee head. It is likely to bolster the party's poll prospects," party's Odisha unit General Secretary and spokesman Suresh Pujary told reporters.
Stating that BJP state executive meeting adopted a resolution welcoming Modi's elevation, Pujary said the party would be able to further sharpen its fight against the Congress-led UPA on all major issues including corruption with the Gujarat chief minister as campaign committee head.
While Advaniji's resignation has already been rejected by the party, he himself is expected to withdraw it too, Pujary said adding "we hope Advaniji will not leave the party like this. He will continue to guide us."
Stating that BJP's attack on Centre as well as BJD government in Odisha would be further sharpened under Modi's leadership as campaign committee chief, he said UPA would be cornered for its alleged failure to curb corruption, safeguard national security, contain inflation and ensure proper development and growth.