Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik dedicated the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) portal under the Finance department and flagged off the launching of 'Digital Life Certificate Initiative', named -Jeevan Pramaan.
"I hope, the IFMS will improve governance through better financial management, enhance transparency and accountability by means of information and communication technology. The Digital Life Certificate will enable us to deliver a critical service through the 'Aadhar' platform to the senior citizens of the state who have retired after rendering service under the government," Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said.
Stating that the e-governance initiatives will make it more user-friendly, Patnaik said Collectors, Treasury Officers and Branch Managers of the authorised banks disbursing pension to ensure that the Digital Life Certificate initiative is implemented with all sincerity in the interest of the pensioners of the state.
The state government pensioners drawing pension from different Treasuries and banks would now be enabled to generate Digital Life Certificate through Aadhaar based biometric devices installed in all 165 Treasuries of the state. The pensioners can also generate and submit Digital Life Certificate at their place through the Jeevan Pramaan Portal, Patnaik said.