Behera said this while replying to a question. He said the loan is being incurred for capital expenditure on infrastructural projects.
The finance minister said the state's loan burden was Rs 38,666.24 crore, Rs 37,730.04 crore and Rs 27,801 crore in 2014, 2010 and 2003 respectively.
Behera said while the state government has incurred loan of Rs 20,059.45 crore from provident fund, it got credit of Rs 46,597.11 crore from other sources like the Government of India, National Small Savings Fund, Open Market, NABARD, LIC, GIC, National Cooperative Development Corporation and Rural Electrification Corporation.
"The debt burden of the state is around 16 per cent of the gross state domestic product. It is well below the permissible limit of 25 per cent," Finance Secretary T K Pandey said.