Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said the Mission would be based on a task force report on the subject. He also asked officials to chart out a comprehensive implementation programme on potato.
The state has already set up a task force with a target for expansion of potato cultivation in 60,000 hectares over three years to achieve the targeted production of 11.25 lakh tonnes by 2017-18, Patnaik said.
Agriculture Secretary Rajesh Verma said the total financial implication for the proposal would be Rs 544.32 crore in three years up to 2017-18.
It has been proposed that 50 per cent of the project cost would be funded from the state plan while the balance would be taken up by converging various central plans and central schemes, he said.
Stating that the state government has also decided to enhance the storage capacity and distribution in the next three years, he said the state government's three-pronged strategy was -- incentive to farmers, focus on seed supply and to provide cold storage facilities to cultivators.