Dasgupta, who has been opposing the government's decision to raise natural gas prices, said Moily has "decided to get rid of inconvenient bureacrats who are standing up to him. By this order, the mala fide of the Petroleum Minister is completely established".
He said by "abruptly" transferring the bureaucrat, who was Joint Secretary (Exploration) for over one-and-a-half years, "the government loses the expertise that the officer had gained in the subject.
Maintaining that the bureaucracy was falling victim to "illegal dictates of political masters", he said the transfer "provokes me to comment that honest officers are being victimised and pliable ones rewarded by the government, as the country has witnessed in the case of Durga Sakthi Nagpal and others."
Referring to the Supreme Court's observations on transfer of officers, Dasgupta said transferring officers who were carrying out their duty "with integrity and upholding public interest, inspite of unrelenting pressure from unscrupulous ministers, is a serious scandal".