Net profit in July-September at Rs 608.33 crore, or Rs 10.12 per share, was 32.68 per cent lower than Rs 903.64 crore, or Rs 15.03 per share, net profit in the same period last fiscal, the company said in a statement here.
"Due to lower international crude oil price, the gross crude oil price realisation for Q2 is lower by 6.54 per cent to USD 101.25 per barrel, as compared to USD 108.33 in Q2 FY2013-14. The net realisation is USD 45.25 per barrel as compared to USD 52.33," it said.
Its crude oil production fell over 4 per cent to 0.879 million tons but natural gas output was 4.2 per cent higher at 0.694 billion cubic meters.
Sales fell 17.5 per cent to Rs 2.622.26 crore.
The company said it has received a notice of demand for Rs 1,324.79 crore from Assam Value Added Tax Authority claiming tax on the fuel subsidy paid to fuel retailers and on transportation charges on crude oil. "Company is contesting the demand and filed a writ petition before the High Court and considered it not a liability."