The state's Civil Aviation Department (CAD) in reply to an RTI query said the Chief Minister had spent Rs 4.35 crore on travelling by the state chopper during the period between March 15, 2012 and September 15, 2013.
The expenditure was about 40 per cent less compared to Rs 7.45 crore in the corresponding period between March 2009 and September 2010, the reply to RTI filed by Balvinder Singh, Convener Sangarsh RTI Movement, said.
It said the amount spent on purchase of fuel for travel of the Chief Minister by Civil Aviation Department during the period between March, 2012 and September, 2013 was Rs 67.81 lakh.
The CAD figures also suggested that the amount spent on salaries of the pilots had come down to Rs 1.53 crore from Rs 2.20 crore, while the amount spent on repair and maintenance had also decreased to Rs 96 lakh from Rs 3.84 crore during the last corresponding period.
He had cited his own example of curbing expenses on his tours, travels and renovation or furnishing of government accommodations because of anticipation of RTI petition on such expenses.
The Chief Minister has said he is in favour of brining political parties under the purview of the RTI Act.