With the launch of the dashboard, Uttarakhand joins states such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Haryana, which have similar web-based platforms to check the progress of development projects.
On the occasion, the chief minister said the online monitoring system will impart "momentum and transparency" to government works.
"Suitably named as UttaraKhand Achieving Results in Systematic and Holistic Way, the CM dashboard will help in effective and timely implementation of development projects," Rawat said.
The chief minister can keep an eye on the progress of development projects through the dashboard monitoring system from his office, it added.
The online system will enable the chief minister to personally assess the implementation of development projects such as the funds sanctioned for them, the amount already spent on them, and the hiccups, if any, in their progress.
Rawat exuded confidence that the dashboard will help eliminate corruption by providing real-time data on the officials and projects.