Onco-robotic surgery is a better modality of surgical treatment for cancer, as it was more precise, minimal evasive, healed faster and had better clinical outcomes for patients, said senior robotic surgery specialists from Apollo Gleaneagles.
Krishansu S Tiwari, professor and director of research at the Gynaecologic Oncology group of California University and the robotic surgery specialists from Apollo Gleneagles, said robotic surgery in oncology is known as one of the best innovations in medicine and has the potential to provide patients with the best clinical outcomes.
The computer-enhanced technology and robotic precision ensure a level of surgical precision that was never possible before.
"With little blood loss during robotic surgery, the assessment is even better than the traditional or laparoscopic surgery," Tiwari said.
According to the doctors, the state-of-the-art robotic surgery system provides high definition vision with up to 10 times magnification in 3D and an immersive view of the surgical field through a tiny incision of 2 cm.