Sanoj was apprehended from Bhalswa Diary area on Tuesday by the Crime Branch of Delhi police following a tip off. A motorcycle was recovered from his possession which was found to be stolen from DBG Road, police said.
"On December 8, a lady teacher of a government school of Laxmi Bai Nagar, Delhi was going alone on foot to Amrit Nagar from her home. At about 2.45 PM, four persons riding two motorcycles came on the spot and one of the motorcyclists tried to snatch her gold chain.
However, they took out their pistols and opened fire in the air to terrorise the passersby and the woman. They finally succeeded in pulling off the chain and fled away on their motorcycles, he said.
Following the incident, a case was registered and probe was taken up by the police while the Crime Branch was also tasked to work out the case.
During his interrogation, it was revealed that he along with Vikram, Sajan and Sunny had robbed a gold chain from a woman in South Extension and had also fired when they fell down during the commission of crime.