Police said on a tip-off from Chennai wing of the 'Q' branch, dealing with extremist activities, A.Tameem Ansari was intercepted here and was arrested along with 25 CDs and photographs of various important installations in the state.
Ansari, a native of Athirampattinam near Pattukottai in Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, was exporting onions to Sri Lanka. He had developed contact with a Pakistan embassy official in Colombo, who had asked him to send the photographs, police said.
According to Ansari, the Pakistani official had wanted pictures of Naval stations, coastguard station and Army installations in the state, police said.
Ansari was staying at the Taj Residency in Thanjavur, from where he was proceeding towards Tiruchirapalli, when he was arrested, police said.
Ansari was produced before a local court which remanded him to judicial custody till October 1, it said.