"The exchange of provocative messages was on between two groups on WhatsApp over some old enmity. Leader of a group threw a challenge to his counterpart of the rival group to come to his location yesterday," said inspector J M Bhosale of Padgha police station.
As soon as members of one group reached Savat village near Bhiwandi on their bikes, they were surrounded and attacked by their rivals, he said.
"In the attack, one Vinay Vishwakarma sustained grievous injuries and died on the spot, while two others were seriously injured," he said.
Bhosale said the group that attacked Vishwakarma and others was led by one Pappya Dillya and his accomplices.
He said Vishwakarma's body was sent for postmortem, while two others were admitted to different hospitals in Kalyan.
Police have registered a case under various sections of IPC including murder, but yet to make any arrest, Bhosale added.