The Crime Branch of Delhi Police arrested Himanshu Gupta from Jaipur on Wednesday around a month after his partner - and alleged kingpin of the fake admission racket in DU - Inderjit Singh alias Kaku landed in the police net.
During Gupta's interrogation, it emerged that he had "good contacts" at a few SDM offices in UP, from where he used to get OBC certificates for getting his clients admitted in reputed DU colleges - particularly Dayal Singh College and PGDAV College.
"Gupta has so far disclosed the identity of one person who he claims is his source at the SDM office in Ghaziabad. The suspect, named Praveen, was earlier a tout at the passport office in south Delhi's R K Puram area," said the official.
"Praveen lives near east Delhi's Ghazipur area. When a police team was sent to his shanty, it emerged that he had been missing for the past few days," said the official, adding that how the OBC certificates with the SDM's signature were obtained by the accused can only be known once Praveen is interrogated.