Former BSP MP's son Ashish Pandey, accused of brandishing a gun at guests and threatening them at a five-star hotel, said in a video message he was being subjected to media trial and alleged only one side of the story is being shown, portraying him as a "terrorist".
A Delhi court had Wednesday issued a non-bailable warrant (NBW) against Pandey. He surrendered before the Patiala House Court on Thursday.
"I have been subjected to a media trial. I am being portrayed as a terrorist. I am not denying that the incident happened but it is being shown from one side," he said in a video message he released before he surrendered.
Pandey said the CCTV footage should be properly checked to ascertain whose fault it was.
"They should check CCTV footage and see who entered the ladies' washroom and after exiting from it, who threatened whom. When I came out, I took the licensed gun from my vehicle. I did not aim the gun towards him and the weapon was pointed downwards.
"Everyone is saying I threatened a woman with a gun but I did not even address the woman, who was with him. She pushed me and even made obscene gestures at me using her hands. Her male friend said things to me," he said.
He said he will tell his side of the story to the police and has full faith in the judicial system.
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After a video of the incident that occurred early on Sunday went viral on social media resulting in public outrage, Pandey had requested his friends on WhatsApp to not circulate the video and had even apologised for what he did.
The video of the incident at Hyatt Regency Hotel here prompted the police to step in and launch a hunt for the accused who had gone missing after the incident.
Pandey's father Rakesh Pandey is a former BSP MP and his brother Ritesh Pandey is a sitting MLA from UP.