A student of Kasturba Gandhi AwasiyeBalika Vidyalaya in Bahuar village in the district died of food poisoning, while 12 other girls, who were taken ill, had to be hospitalised.Union Minister Anupriya Patel who is the MP from Mirzapur visited the school today and assured the family members of the deceased girl that a magisterial probe would be ordered and strict action taken against the guilty persons."Thirteen girls fell ill yesterday, after having their afternoon meal. Efforts were made to treat the girls at the school itself, but when their conditions did not improve, they were sent to the hospital," said Chunar Sub-Divisional Magistrate Chatrapal Yadav today."13-year-old Naina Devi was declared dead at the hospital," he said, adding the remaining 12 girls were discharged after treatment.The girls had been given rice, daal, roti and sabji in the lunch, said school hostel warden Madhurani Dubey, adding of the 90 students in the school, 13 fell ill due to food poisoning.The warden has been suspended, said District Magistrate Anurag Patel.