UPSTF ASP Triveni Singh said the Special Investigation Team had carried a search of Ablaze's Ghaziabad office, and seized 32 CPUs, bank drafts worth Rs 7 crore from the premises. The search was carried out following a detailed interrogation of the accused.
Documents of a villa at JP Greens, a commercial property in Greater Noida and 36 passports were also seized, Triveni said.
The company's director Abhinav Mittal, who is one of the accused, told the team that these passports belonged to the diamond and gold distributors.
The tour included plans for sky-diving as they wanted to create a new record in Guinness book. Company CEO Sridhar had contacted a Pune-based tour operator and given them a cheque of Rs 3 crore as advance payment, Triveni added.
Three persons were arrested on February 1 in connection with the scam under which nearly seven lakh people had been duped on the pretext of getting money in lieu of clicking on specific links.
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