"I have obtained documents which show that Rahul Gandhi had claimed himself to be a British national before the company law authorities there for setting up a company," Swamy told reporters.
"Rahul Gandhi has confessed that he is a British citizen. The onus to prove he is innocent is on Rahul Gandhi," he said in reply to a query.
"How can one believe that for five years Rahul continued making a typing mistake," Swamy said on Congress party's stand that the mention of being a British national in the documents may have been a typing error.
Rahul has rejected the allegations against him and has dared Prime Minister Narendra Modi to order an inquiry against him and jail him if he is proved guilty. He accused Modi of using his 'chamchas' (cronies) to throw mud at him like the RSS and BJP did against his parents and grandmother Indira Gandhi.
"I have also been labelled as a 'chamcha'," the BJP leader said. "I am happy he (Rahul) called me a chamcha as in Congress, chamcha is a very high post," Swamy said. I feel that being called a chamcha is a great compliment, he added.