KSIDC has handed over Rs 50 lakh, as part of its corporate social responsibility activities, to the 'Suchitwa Mission', the state's nodal agency for sanitation as part of the plan. The cheaque was handed over by KSIDC Managing Director Dr M Beena to Suchitwa Mission executive director Dr K Vasuki, in the presence of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and Industries Minister A C Moideen, a release said here today. KSIDC recorded a profit of Rs 49.98 crore for the fiscal year, 2015-16, it said.
A total of 1,200 persons are being employed directly or indirectly through various projects undertaken by KSIDC which has been spending two per cent of its average net profits over the past three years on CSR activities, the release said.
Under the open defecation-free project, Kerala has covered nearly 97 per cent of the rural households by constructing toilets across rural areas.
The mission envisages construction of around 2,01,500 individual household toilets, of which 39,000 toilets are to be provided at geographically-challenged areas and among vulnerable communities at an estimated outlay of Rs 100 crore. It is in this backdrop that KSIDC has decided to support the state government project, the release added.