"We expect business volumes of Rs 1,000 crore within the first five years of operations. By March 2015, we intend to move to mobility solutions for advisors and follow it with a customer version too. Our aim is to touch over a million customers over the next three-five years," OpenWorld Money's newly-appointed chief mentor P Nandagopal told PTI.
The market launch is likely to happen next month.
On what kind of services will be provided by the company, he said, "At OpenWorld Money, we are giving a unique platform to plan finances at each stage of life by leveraging technology and taking advantage of several financial advisory services such as planning of tax, education, insurance, investment, estate, retirement and much more."
The firm has already recruited 50 staff and plans to hire as many more in near future. "We already have 50 staff as of now and we will ramp it up as we move forward," he said.
"We are talking to key VCs and it will be a substantial investment. But naturally, it won't be as big as a brick and mortar company because it is a digital platform," Nandagopal said.