Akbar said that Modi's stand was clarified with his statement that he wanted to see a Muslim, with Quran in one hand and computer on the other.
"The opposition parties are spreading 'jhoota aur jehrila' (false and venomous) propaganda against Modi to create fear among Muslims about him," Akbar told reporters.
He said that BJP has clarified its views and schemes for Muslims in its manifesto.
On being asked about Modi's denial to wear skull cap, Akbar said that Maulana Mahmood Madni of Jamiyat-e-ulama Hind had said that politics of caps should be stopped and politics of education and employment should take its place.
When asked about Priyanka Gandhi's statement regarding dragging his husband's name in poll campaign, Akbar said that though he did not want to comment on personal issue, she should check his (her husband's) background and his bank balance.