Union Minister Jitendra Singh today said the opposition parties are now finding it convenient to use Prime Minister Narendra Modi's name to make news.
Singh was addressing the BJP workers sitting on fast at Gole Market in Udhampur to protest against disruption of Parliament session by the Congress party.
"Congress and other opposition parties are devoid of any substantial issues to impress people, and now opponents are finding it convenient to use Prime Minister Narendra Modi's name to make news", Singh said.
He said, Modi enjoys such high rating in the media that one just has to issue a critical statement naming Modi to make news.
Singh credited the prime minister and BJP national president Amit Shah for having introduced a new political culture of 24 into 7 commitment and total dedication to the service of people.
"It is now for the people of this country to see and decide who are these opposition Members of Parliament who have discredited the mandate given to them by indulging in mayhem in the well of the House instead of discussing and debating issues of relevance to the poor and the weaker sections," he said.