"Politics is not just about politicians. We see politics in politicians but the politics is everywhere and in every component but we do not see it, be it the matter of Salman Rushdie, M F Hussain or any other," Roy said.
"We have various kinds of horror before us. You can listen to this song, you can draw this painting, you cannot see this play or cannot write this play, it is right for you or wrong for you because you are Muslim or Hindu or Sikh or Christian... This is what people are repeatedly dictating in our country," she said.
"I feel that if this continues and we do not oppose this phenomenon, happenings and incidents which are taking place in the country will continue. They will dictate that only their point of view is correct," she added.
Roy made the remarks during Hemlata Prabhu Memorial Lecture organised by People's Union for Civil Liberties here.
In the lecture on Art, Education and Citizenship, factuly member of National School of Drama- Delhi, Tripurari Sharma highlighted importance of art in human life.
"We are producing engineers who make flyovers but the construction collapses, doctors are accused of indulging in female foeticide, teachers do not care about their students, the situation and the system needs change," she said.
Hemlata Prabhu, in whose memory the lecture was organised, was co-founder and later the Principal of Kanoria College here. She was the general secretary of PUCL in Rajasthan. PTI SDA