However, state Industries minister Subhash Desai said, "After the judicial probe panel headed by retired High Court judge D S Zoting submits its report in September, the government will take strict action against all those named in it."
Earlier, in his starred question, Congress MLC Sanjay Dutt wanted to know whether the land belonging to Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) at Bhosari was illegally purchased by Eknath Khadse's wife Mandakini and his his son-in-law Girish Chaudhari in April-May.
Eknath Khadse resigned as Revenue Minister following a string of allegations, including one related to graft.
Raising a point of procedure, Sharad Ranpise (Congress) contended that the land deal was actually worth Rs 65 crore.
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"However, the 1.21 hectare land was purchased at just Rs 3.75 crore leading to a profit of Rs 61.25 crore," he said.
Asserting that the land has been recorded as government vested endowment, Desai said, "The probe encompasses issues of ownership, land acquisition, was it saleable, was there any conflict of interest and other issues involved."