largest animal welfare organisations in the country, is hosting Delhi's first Organic Food Mela to promote vegetarianism among city residents.
At least 20 organic food manufacturers from different parts of the country will present organic foods that are made without any dangerous additives, poisonous pesticides and chemical and petroleum fertilisers, at the Mela to be held in Jorbagh in South Delhi on December 16, organisers said.
Organic foods are pure foods, with clean earth nourishing them and sun light and rain bringing them to maturity. They have the rich goodness of real food as it was meant to be, said the organisation headed by BJP leader Maneka Gandhi.
"The stalls will have everything from hundreds of kinds of grains, lentils and vegetables to food that has been packaged without preservatives," it said.
The Mela brings together top manufacturers of Certified Organic Food, it said.