The 50-year-old actor said he admires Janay Palmer, the wife of disgraced NFL pro Ray Rice, who was punched unconscious by her husband in a hotel elevator, which probably feels same like being in America with 'the' skin colour, reported People magazine.
"Mrs Ray Rice - it's not the punch in the face that eats your soul; it's having to defend the person that punched you in the face that eats. Oddly enough, this is what it feels like to be a black man in America," Rock said.
Rock also spoke about his family and said that he considers his parents his real-life heroes.
"I had such a horrible school experience (bussed, one of the only black kids (sic) every day, bullied, etc. That picking my kids up from their mostly white school, where they're having such a great time. It's almost like I'm picking them up from another planet, and I am," he said.