AAP leader Mayank Gandhi, who is contesting polls from the North West Mumbai Lok Sabha seat, has alleged that the poll spending of the candidates from his rival parties was much beyond the Rs 70 lakh limit as set by the Election Commission.
"Candidates fighting polls from other parties are using money power, which is dangerous for the democracy. They are spending beyond Rs 70 lakh specified limit. This over spending is affecting other parties like ours," Gandhi said during a press conference here yesterday.
However, he denied of having any proof about this.
Gandhi said that the manifesto of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAM) will be out by next week.
"Our national manifesto is being shared with the stakeholders. We will unveil our national manifesto next week. We will also bring out a Mumbai-centric manifesto soon," the 55-year-old social activist said.
For the North West Mumbai seat, Gandhi is locking horns against the sitting Congress MP Gurudas Kamat, MNS candidate Mahesh Manjarekar and Gajanan Kirtikar of the Shiv Sena.
He claimed that as per an internal survey, he was in favourable position over other contestants. "From an internal survey that we have done, I am ahead of my competitors by atleast 1,00,000 votes. More than half of the people we spoke to, favoured the Aam Aadmi party over other candidates," he said.
"Candidates fighting polls from other parties are using money power, which is dangerous for the democracy. They are spending beyond Rs 70 lakh specified limit. This over spending is affecting other parties like ours," Gandhi said during a press conference here yesterday.
However, he denied of having any proof about this.
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"We do not have any proof. A large amount of money is being given to party workers in cash and it is a common practice. We do not need to give any evidence," he said.
Gandhi said that the manifesto of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAM) will be out by next week.
"Our national manifesto is being shared with the stakeholders. We will unveil our national manifesto next week. We will also bring out a Mumbai-centric manifesto soon," the 55-year-old social activist said.
For the North West Mumbai seat, Gandhi is locking horns against the sitting Congress MP Gurudas Kamat, MNS candidate Mahesh Manjarekar and Gajanan Kirtikar of the Shiv Sena.
He claimed that as per an internal survey, he was in favourable position over other contestants. "From an internal survey that we have done, I am ahead of my competitors by atleast 1,00,000 votes. More than half of the people we spoke to, favoured the Aam Aadmi party over other candidates," he said.