Jharkhand Chief Minister HemantSoren has said that other states are adopting his 'Mukhya Mantri Didi Kitchen' concept to feed lakhs of people during the nationwide lockdown."More than 12 lakh people are being fed every day through 6,628 'Mukhya Mantri Didi Kitchen' and community kitchens in various police stations in the state amid the lockdown. Jharkhand's model is being adopted by other states," he tweeted on Tuesday.'Didi Kitchens', started amid the lockdown, are run by self-help groups with the state government's assistance to provide free meals to the poor and destitute people.Meanwhile, the state government has made arrangements for food and shelter for 4.76 lakh migrant workers from Jharkhand stranded in 12,276 places across the country, a release issued by the director of the Information and Public Relations Department said.A total of 6.24 lakh migrant workers from Jharkhand are stranded in 13,298 locations in other states and union territories, it said, quoting data of the Department of Labour, Planning and Training.More information is being gathered to provide assistance to the stranded migrant workers at all levels, it said."A state-level control room has been set up by the Jharkhand government and a 24/7 toll-free number 181 has been launched for people to contact for assistance or queries related to COVID-19," the release added.