The show is based on Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series and revolves around a 20th-century British nurse Claire Randall, who accidently travels to 18th-century Scotland.
She ends up falling in love with Highland warrior James Fraser.
"Outlander" is currently midway through its second season. The third and fourth season of the show will be based on 'Voyager' as well 'Drums of Autumn' of Gabaldon's book series, reported E! Online.
"Outlander is like nothing seen before on television. From its depiction of a truly powerful female lead character, to the devastating decimation of the Highlander way of life, to what is a rarely seen genuine and timeless love story, it is a show that not only transports the viewer, but inspires the passion and admiration of its fans," Chris Albrecht, CEO of Starz, said in a statement.