The BJP government in Madhya Pradesh said more than 1.25 lakh job offer letters were issued at 'Rozgar Panchayat 2018' held across the state today, a claim dismissed by opposition Congress.
Over 1.25 lakh persons got job offers in the private sector during these 'employment meets', said state Skill Development and Employment Generation Board chairman Hemant Deshmukh.
The government also handed over cheques of amounts ranging from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 2 crore to around 60,000 persons for starting their own businesses during the meets, he said.
"Employment and self-employment meets were organised in all 51 districts under Rozgar Panchayat," he told PTI.
But the Congress said the government was fooling the youth.
"Rozgar Panchayat 2018 was a sham, another move of the state government to fool unemployed youths," Congress spokesperson Bhupendra Gupta said.
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Over one lakh persons who have cleared online tests of various government departments for posts such as computer operators, survey assistants and accountants in the last three years have not been taken in service yet, he alleged.
In today's employment meets, jobs such as sanitation worker were on offer which many of the participants declined, the Congress leader alleged.