"The maximum number of appeals/complaints are pending in Uttar Pradesh (48,442) followed by Maharashtra (32,390) and Central Information Commission (26,115) as on December 2013," according to a report compiled by the RTI Assessment and Advocacy Group (RaaG).
As per the findings, a total backlog of 1,98,739 cases is pending in 23 Information Commissions (IC) across the country.
"There were no backlogs in Mizoram, Sikkim and Tripura," it said.
The report has been compiled on the basis of RTI applications filed by RaaG to 28 ICs to seek information on their functioning.
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While Maharashtra received the highest number of appeals and complaints (73,968) during 2012-2013, followed by CIC (62,723) and UP (62,008), in terms of disposal Maharashtra SIC disposed the highest number of appeals and complaints (61,442) followed by UP (60,875) and CIC (47,662), it said.
During the same period, the number of cases in which penalty was imposed in 21 states, were 3,870 which amounts to just 1.57 per cent of the number of cases disposed.
Compensation was awarded in 1339 cases during the period. ICs of Haryana and Karnataka awarded the highest amount of compensation, Rs 7,69,900 and Rs 7,50,490 respectively.
"In interviews with serving and retired information commissioners, several constraints in the functioning of information commissions were highlighted, the most critical one cited by majority of them was lack of adequate support to the commissioners, both legal and administrative," said Shekhar.