"Despite the country making major strides towards improving legal and administrative frameworks to protect and promote child and adolescent rights, total government expenditure on child protection remains low at only .034 per cent," anti-child labour activist Shantha Sinha said in a conference here.
Addressing the conference on children's rights organised by Harvard University's FXB Centre and PHFI's Indian Institute of Public Health, she said, "There are 42 million children in the age group of 14-18 years who are out of school and live in exploitative environments lacking financial and personal security. They are vulnerable to early marriage and gender discrimination. They need support of the state and its services to live a life of dignity and freedom."
Stressing the fact that India needs to ensure that its rapid economic development is equitable and sustainable for all citizens, Dr Theresa Betancourt, Director of the research programme on Children and Global Adversity (RPCGA) at the FXB Centre said the conference aims to further the child and adolescent rights agenda in India by bringing attention to both the successes and failures in the field.