The scheme was launched by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan during the first Mahila Panchayat held at his residence.
"In 2006 Mahila Panchayat, a total of 14 announcements, including that of 'Ladli Laxmi scheme' which is aimed at, among other things, bridging the skewed sex ratio, were made and all of them now stand fulfilled," said Singh, who heads the Women and Child Development portfolio.
The scheme has so far benefitted 20 lakh girls and has been emulated by seven states, she said.
The scheme has helped a lot in establishing a proper system that ensures education and marriage of the girl child. Besides, a system was also developed in a transparent manner to provide nutritional diet in Anganwadis.
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The CM had also announced for making a provision of 'Gender Budget' focused on empowering women and as a part of it, separate gender budgets were created in 25 departments, she said, adding that Madhya Pradesh is the first such state to pass separate gender budget in the Legislative Assembly.
Chouhan had also announced Rs 1 lakh prize for any person on whose information female infanticide is checked. Under the scheme, Rs 50,000 is given soon after those indulged in the crime are caught and the rest after legal action is taken against the culprits.
Similarly, Chouhan had also announced 30 per cent reservation for women in police force and the same is being implemented.
Besides, women desks are established in 141 police stations and a women helpline 1090 was also started, so that women can file their complaints without any fear, as announced by Chouhan, the Minister added.