JKSHRC has received 138 complaints (cases) at its headquarter (Srinagar) and 69 complaints at its sub-office (Jammu) which are pending for want of cognizance/action due to non-availability of chairperson/members, the Commission said in its annual report for the year 2014-15, which was tabled in Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Council.
The Commission received 151 complaints during the year 2014-15, whereas 131 cases were disposed off during the corresponding period.
The recommendations are based after full inquiry of evidence and documentary material recorded and on examination of documents with the assistance of parties who are provided full opportunity to put their case before the Commission.
"There is no justification to sit on the recommendations and to conduct fresh inquiry(ies) with the result the complainant(s) dismay to see the approach of the authorities/functionaries, though they are/ have been provided justice after two or three years from JKSHRC," the Commission said.
Complaining about the lack of adequate funds, the Commission said "we have been repeatedly requesting the government to allot the funds in the shape of grants as provided U/S 21 of the ACT, instead of normal annual budgetary allotment.