Moreover, over 25 crore LED bulbs have been successfully distributed under the Unnat Jeevan by Affordable LEDs and Appliances for All (UJALA) programme, in addition to over 28 lakh LED tubelights and 10 lakh energy efficient fans, EESL said in a statement.
The programme is being implemented by Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL), a joint venture of PSUs under the Power Ministry, in collaboration with various power distribution companies (discoms) in 29 states and seven Union Territories.
Post the implementation of GST, the 9-watt LED bulbs available under the UJALA scheme are priced at Rs 70 per unit across the country, while the 20-watt LED tubelights and the BEE 5-star rated energy efficient fans are priced at Rs 220 per unit and Rs 1,200 per unit respectively.
Eligible consumers can purchase these appliances from the authorised EESL distribution centre nearest to their home.