Talking to reporters, NDMA Vice-Chairman Shashidhar Reddy said, according to official data, the count of missing people has reached only up to 3,500 to 3,700.
According to the NDMA's recent data, rains and floods had affected 4,200 villages in Uttarakhand besides damaging 2,397 houses and 194 bridges.
So far, 580 people have lost their lives, Reddy said.
Around 150 locals, mostly women and children, have also requested evacuation in Badrinath area which will be initiated as soon as weather permits, he said.
A report prepared by a UN agency along with some NGOs has pegged the figure of number of missing in excess of 11,000.
Refuting the allegation of not heeding to prior warnings issued by Indian Space Research Organisation, Reddy said no such information was given by ISRO as it does not have the authority to do so.