Over four lakh has been seized from a car headed to Delhi, near Chapar here, police said today.
The car, coming from Haridwar was headed to Delhi and was intercepted by the police, who recovered over four lakh from the vehicle last evening, the circle officer Shirvraj Singh said.
The car was seized after the occupant failed to show any valid documents for the possession of cash, they said.
Any cash beyond Rs 50,000 could be subjected to scrutiny by EC nominated flying squads and the individual or entity carrying the amount should furnish documents in this regard.
The car, coming from Haridwar was headed to Delhi and was intercepted by the police, who recovered over four lakh from the vehicle last evening, the circle officer Shirvraj Singh said.
The car was seized after the occupant failed to show any valid documents for the possession of cash, they said.
Any cash beyond Rs 50,000 could be subjected to scrutiny by EC nominated flying squads and the individual or entity carrying the amount should furnish documents in this regard.