BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain also took potshots at RJD chief Lalu Prasad, saying JD(U) is not a factor in these polls and the anti-RJD votes were not being divided.
"52 MLAs of JD(U) are angry with the leadership of Nitish Kumar. We are not doing anything of our own to engineer any defection in JD(U) that could lead to the fall of the Bihar government. They are angry with the functioning of Nitish Kumar and do not see any future in JD(U). They are doing so on their own as they are upset and are telling us that they are not working for JD(U)," he said.
Bihar's former deputy chief minister Sushil Kumar Modi had earlier reportedly claimed that at least 50 JD(U) MLAs were in touch with the BJP.
He also claimed that the JD(U) MLAs were working against the party candidates and predicted a fall of the Nitish Kumar -led state government due to its own internal contradictions.
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Earlier, JD(U) chief Sharad Yadav also accused both Nitish Kumar and RJD chief Lalu Prasad of playing caste-based politics in Bihar.
Hussain said, "JD(U) is not a factor in these elections and there was no division of anti-RJD votes in Bihar as Nitish Kumar was out of the fight."