In a reply to an unstarred question during Vidhan Sabha session on Monday, Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal informed the House that, 3,317 persons died and 4,635 persons were injured in road accidents during 2013-14.
In 2014-15, Badal informed that 3,538 persons were killed and 4,329 persons were injured in road mishaps.
In 2015-16 (till July 31, 2015), 1,248 persons died while 1,689 persons sustained injuried in road accidents, he said.
In his reply, the Deputy Chief Minister informed that the state government has framed a policy to provide financial assistance to the victims of road accidents.
In case of loss of one eye or one limb, Rs 25,000 of financial assistance is given to the victims of accidents, he said.
The compensations are disbursed by District Social Security Officer with the approval of concerned Deputy Commissioner, Badal said.