Jammu and Kashmir Handicapped Association (JKHA)members, including women, held a protest at press enclaveagainst the "non-serious" approach of the state government in addressing the problems of persons with disabilities.
However, as soon as the members tried to march towardsthe office of Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir to submit a memorandum, police swung into action and detained around a dozen of them.
"We were protesting peacefully and tried to marchtowards the office of Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir tosubmit a memorandum of our demands, but police detained about15 of our members," president of the association, Abdul RashidBhat said.
"All the states are providing constructive schemes for the welfare and upliftment of the disabled people, but the government of Jammu and Kashmir has badly failed to provide assistance and welfare schemes to such people here.
"We demand our rights be upheld and the schemes for handicapped persons be implemented without delay," he said, adding even after assurances from the government, "nothing hasbeen done".